Monday, June 1, 2009

Difference between Softball and Baseball


1. In Softball, the ball is larger, but less dense.
2. The pitching rubber is 43 feet away from Home Plate.
3. The bats used in Softball are smaller.
4. The bases are 60 feet apart from each other.
5. You cannot take a lead before the ball is released by the pitcher.
6. The infield consists only of dirt.
7. The Corners play up by the pitcher.
8. Softball consists of running slaps from the left side.
9. The fence is 200 feet from Home Plate.
10.Softball uses an underhand pitching method called a 'Windmill'.
11.A softball pitcher can start and finish a game, or even pitch a double header because the pitching technique is more of a natural motion than in Baseball.


1. In Baseball, the ball is smaller, more dense.
2. The pitching mound is 60 ft and 6 inches from Home Plate.
3. The bats are bigger than in Softball.
4. It's 90 feet to each base.
5. You can lead off the bag before the ball is pitched.
6. There is grass in the infield and dirt in the infield.
7. The fence is classically 300 feet from Home Plate.
8. Baseball uses an overhand pitching motion.
9. A baseball pitcher generally does not finish a game and is relieved by another pitcher, and requires rest after a game since the pitching motion is not as natural as the pitching technique in softball.

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