Thursday, June 25, 2009

What are the procedures to start a Softball Team?

1. Find a league. Contact the local recreation association to see what leagues your work softball team might be eligible to participate in. Leagues often start in the spring, so contact the association in the winter so you'll have sufficient time to plan.

2. Obtain a rulebook for the league. Before selecting players for the team, you should find out what the rule book says about the number of players you need and what the rules say about the gender of the players. Even some co-ed leagues order one gender cannot makeup more than a certain percentage of a team.

3. Look at the program of games for the upcoming season. Pay interest to the number of games to determine what the time commitment for each player might be. Aspect in any practices and team meetings you might need to have, and come up with an average weekly commitment.

4. Determine the total of interest at work for a softball team. Place a sign-up sheet in an available area and provide some basic information about the team. You'll want to make sure you have enough players to field a team plus some extra players because not every player can play every game.

5. Hold a team meeting to provide more information to the possible players. Go over the fundamental league rules and benefits to having a team. Be sure to mention any costs linked with joining the team. Ask for firm commitments once the meeting to see how many players you can count on.

6. Group some information from the players. Find out how much softball experience the players have to see how much practice you'll need. Ask which positions players have experience playing so you can figure out how you will field the team and if you might need to select more players to fill all the positions. And, see what softball equipment members of the team have so you know what you will need to buy.

7. Ask the place where you work if they will supporter your softball team. Determine whether they will offer uniforms and some money for any equipment the players on the team cannot provide.

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